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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Glorious Erection (...of our house... sheesh)!

Here ye, here ye! We actually have a house (kind of)! There hasn't really been much to update you all on since ground breaking.  Honestly, not really sure what they've been doing for the past two weeks other than piling up some dirt and digging a hole.  Yesterday, they finally poured our foundation and today, they started framing our house! It's absolutely incredible how much they accomplished in 8 hours.  It went from being just a slab of concrete and now they have the entire bottom floor framed, and have started the top floor as well! We've driven by every day since our groundbreaking, and today we finally were able to see something! Here are some pictures from the entire progress (from right before ground breaking to today).

The first picture is our plot of nothingness with the bunch of sticks in it (which I mentioned in an earlier post - not pictured are the orange pillows on the street). 
 This next picture is what happened after ground breaking.  Lots of dirt piles and bricks.  Woo.
In the picture below (you can't really tell, but...) the foundation is poured and the ground is leveled out.  We've been looking at pretty much this picture for the past week or so.  A whole lot of nothing to look at, but apparently the guys had been there every day doing... something...?
And now... A HOUSE! Ta da! Isn't it beautiful? I illegally ran inside the house (in the morning room - Adam reluctantly followed me) to get a peak.  It was awesome! We could see our pantry and our stairs and other parts of the house barely being held up by one beam!
So, now that they've started framing there should be some serious blog updates from now on! Pretty soon we should meet with our Project Manager and get a walk-through before dry wall goes up, and we'll also meet with Guardian to talk about where all of our outlets and such go! So ready! Hooray! Peace out.

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