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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And we shall call this land... this land...!

Groundbreaking (take one million and three) was rescheduled for this past Tuesday.  Unfortunately, we woke up to thunder and lightning and rain (oh my - and in January, at that)! With that being said, they pushed back our groundbreaking (again) to today - Wednesday.  We drove past the lot yesterday and while they didn't "break ground" they were able to put in about half of our temporary driveway and they dug up some of the sod where the house will be placed.  Not really sure why that wasn't considered breaking ground, but whatever.  At least they did something, and that's more than we've seen in a week! 

We got the call today that they were officially excavating and they should be able to get the footer inspection by Thursday and then they'll lay down the first layer of cement.  Yay! We are so happy that the ball is finally rolling and our house is in the makings! It feels like we've been waiting forever! We officially have a huge ass muddy hole in our lot and couldn't be more excited!

1 comment:

  1. Before you know it you'll be two weeks from closing with hardly any boxes packed and in a panic. Oh no - that's me. But it happens fast. And you'll be so wrapped up in the house that packing will seem like a distraction, which it is.

    I highly recommend you donate half your stuff today!

    Congratulations on your new home!
