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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And we shall call this land... this land...!

Groundbreaking (take one million and three) was rescheduled for this past Tuesday.  Unfortunately, we woke up to thunder and lightning and rain (oh my - and in January, at that)! With that being said, they pushed back our groundbreaking (again) to today - Wednesday.  We drove past the lot yesterday and while they didn't "break ground" they were able to put in about half of our temporary driveway and they dug up some of the sod where the house will be placed.  Not really sure why that wasn't considered breaking ground, but whatever.  At least they did something, and that's more than we've seen in a week! 

We got the call today that they were officially excavating and they should be able to get the footer inspection by Thursday and then they'll lay down the first layer of cement.  Yay! We are so happy that the ball is finally rolling and our house is in the makings! It feels like we've been waiting forever! We officially have a huge ass muddy hole in our lot and couldn't be more excited!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meeting with the Project Manager

On Monday we were so incredibly excited for what the week would bring.  That afternoon we had our meeting with our Project Manager (John) and we were scheduled to break ground on Wednesday.  Things haven't necessarily gone as planned. 

During our meeting with John, we basically exchanged contact information and went over the house layout, options, etc.  While looking at all of the papers, I noticed that they (once again) had our house as a "Garage Right" instead of a "Garage Left".  We had been told about a week before Christmas that our house layout had been swapped, so after the New Year (during all of those fantastic holiday sales) we went out and bought a sectional couch (yay new furniture for our new house)... for a Garage Left layout.  Blerg! Lucky for us, we were able to call and switch our sectional so it'll fit in our "Garage Right" house layout.  Oh horrah. 

Anywho, that was just one little glitch (which was more surprising to us than it was actually a problem).  While at the meeting, John told us that our ground breaking, which had been scheduled for Wednesday, may not happen on Wednesday.  Apparently, due to the holiday back ups, he hadn't yet received our permit.  He said that if he received it on Tuesday they'd be ready to go on Wednesday.  Tuesday came and went and we didn't hear from John.  Adam called him on Wednesday and he said that he did, in fact, get the permit, but because of the rain, he was trying to decided whether to start on the house Thursday or Friday, or to just wait until Monday.  He was either hoping the rain would stop and he would start before the weekend or he'd just wait it out until Monday. 

...Then today came the snow.  Le sigh.  I guess now we're schedule to break ground on Tuesday? Almost a week after our first scheduled time.  But Adam isn't worried and neither is John.  And John has assured us that although breaking ground has been delayed about a week, it should (hopefully) only push back our closing by 1-2 days.

Fingers crossed the weather doesn't screw us over anymore...

On a happier note, it at least looks like they're about to do work on our lot! Adam and I drove by on Tuesday and there are about 20 marker sticks in the ground (which we're assuming were marking off where the slab should go? Or something else extremely important, I'm sure) and there were also these giant orange body pillow type things near the side of the road kind of sectioning off our property line.  Woo.  Progress.  Now we don't just have grass to look at, we have sticks and pillows, too!

I guess that's it for now.  I'll check back in on Tuesday!